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Product details
File Size: 16633 KB
Print Length: 976 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 3 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: Wiley; 9 edition (October 10, 2012)
Publication Date: October 10, 2012
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#101,121 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I like reading this book. The authors did a pretty decent job taking a hard subject and writing about in a way I could understand, and organizing the sections in a way that builds your knowledge. My professor gave us a number of hard programming assignments in C that followed the book as well and reinforced that knowledge. So if you use this book within the right system, it can be very good. I don't think it would be easy for a beginner to just read however. You really need to dive into some of the things that you read about and get your hands dirty to gain the full value from this book. My graduate class was able to cover 6 chapters completely plus a spattering from a few other chapters in one semester. It was a very worthwhile class.
Very succinct book for early learners like myself (neophytes as my teacher calls us). There is the full linux kernel development book in its fifth edition, but that can be dense and frustrating for beginners. This Operating System Concepts Essentials has a great accompanying website with lots of great code examples and various resources that are very helpful.
Loving this book. Had to purchase for my Operating Systems Theory class. When I saw that the regular edition cost over 100 bucks I was ready to grit my teeth and just buy it. Then I heard about the Indian edition which was insanely cheaper so I bought it without a second thought. Shipping was fast and the book is high quality. Some people complain the pages are too thin and you can’t concentrate because the text bleeds through; while the paper is thinner, I am not distracted by the very light bleed that comes through. Maybe if you hold a single page up to the light and try to read them you’ll get distracted...As for content, this book is great. After finishing a particularly long chapter, I found myself continuing to read simply because I was feeling more curious about what the author would talk about next.This edition is great!
Had to get this book for a class. The most confusing book I have every read, typos and you will need to read over the chapters twice to get what it being said. Best to use the Powerpoint on the linked site to get the summary of each chapter or just go to the summary within the chapter. I know they author's tried well to break down the subject but it seemed at times that it was too much filler and not just enough for what need to be explained.
This is a very well written book on operating system design, multiprogramming, threads and all the great things that go on inside your computer while it runs an operating system. It requires some prerequisite knowledge of computer hardware and some programming. As other reviewers have stated, it is not a freshman level book. It is however, an excellent guide for people studying software design.It seems to be lacking in some areas, the section on semaphores was probably the worst area of the book. I had to turn to Tanenbaum's works for better information. Overall though, worthy of four stars.Unfortunately, I have to add to my review that I am deeply disappointed in the direction the publisher has taken with respect to the text. I find it distasteful that publishers have gone from printing student solutions manuals to requiring access to a web site. Fortunately, the editions have not changed that much and the questions are still available in solutions manuals of prior editions or perhaps if you are lucky, someone has a PDF of them. Likewise, leading search engines can provide sources for researching the solution to see if your answer is correct.
This book was the required reading for one of my college programming courses. The authors go in to good details about the specifics of all subjects relating to operating systems in general. Some that were notable were the use and creation of semaphore objects, threading, CPU scheduling, and disk scheduling algorithms. The semaphores and threading were particularly useful in completing the classic synchronization problem 'The Dining Philosophers' which was one of the assignments for the course. The breakdown of disk organization was another very beneficial and highly interesting topic. The book covers MAC OS, Linux, Unix, Windows, as well as some information about older systems such as DOS and CP/M. The book has generalized examples and each topic includes a good deal of theory. I do not recommend this book for people without a solid foundation of C or C++. It helps to know Assembly as well, but not necessary.
This book has been around for many editions. I really enjoyed reading it. The author has good explanations with plenty of examples.
Excellent new book! The price is much cheaper, compared to the hardcover version, but the content is the same.
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